Limit Order Book

The LimitOrderBook is deployed on xDai at 0x02e7B722E178518Ae07a596A7cb5F88B313c453a

The source code can be found at LimitOrderBook.sol


The functions allowing you to create orders are functionally very similar. We will give an overview of the parameters common to all orders and then discuss their differences.

Please ensure that you have familiarised yourself with the different order types.


function addLimitOrder(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _limitPrice,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add Limit Orders.

  • _limitPrice the price for the limit order.

    • A limit buy order will be executed when the current price is less than limitPrice.

    • A limit sell order is executed when the current price is greater than limitPrice


function addStopOrder(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _stopPrice,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add Stop Orders.

  • _stopPrice the price for the stop order.

    • A stop market buy order will be executed when the current price is greater than stopPrice.

    • A stop market sell order is executed when the current price is lesser than stopPrice


function addStopLimitOrder(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _stopPrice,
    Decimal.decimal memory _limitPrice,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add Stop-Limit orders. Stop-Limit orders

  • _stopPrice the price for the stop limit order.

    • A stop limit buy order will be executed when the current price is greater than stopPrice.

    • A stop limit sell order is executed when the current price is lesser than stopPrice

  • _limitPrice the order must also satisfy the limit conditions in order to be valid


function addTrailingStopMarketOrderAbs(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _trail,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add a trailing Stop order with an absolute value

  • _trail represents the absolute value of the trail between the price of the asset and the trigger(stop) price. This will clearly be different for different assets.


function addTrailingStopMarketOrderPct(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _trailPct,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add trailing Stop orders with percentage value

  • _trailPct This number represents the trail value as a percentage of the asset price (must be between 0 and 1)

    • A value of 0.1 (formatted to 18 decimal places) will therefore signify 10%


function addTrailingStopLimitOrderAbs(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _trail,
    Decimal.decimal memory _gap,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add trailing Stop Limit orders with absolute values

  • _trail is exactly similar to the trailing stop market orders

  • _gap will specify the gap between the trailing stop price and the trailing limit price.


function addTrailingStopLimitOrderPct(
    IAmm _asset,
    Decimal.decimal memory _trailPct,
    Decimal.decimal memory _gapPct,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _positionSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _tipFee,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint256 _expiry

This function is used to add a trailing Stop Limit order with percentage values.

  • _trailPct is exactly similar to the trailing stop market orders

  • _gapPct will specify the gap between the trailing stop price and the trailing limit price as a percentage.


function modifyOrder(
    uint order_id,
    Decimal.decimal memory _stopPrice,
    Decimal.decimal memory _limitPrice,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _orderSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint _expiry

This function allows a user to modify their own order. All the parameters are functionally similar to their counterparts in the addOrder functions.

  • order_id is the id of the order you are attempting to change.

Although the option exists to modify the stop price and limit price for all order types, changing the limit price of a stop order (or vice versa) will not turn it into a stop-limit order.

Please note: It is not possible to modify the order type, or the botFee.


function modifyTrailingOrder(
    uint order_id,
    Decimal.decimal memory _newStop,
    Decimal.decimal memory _newLimit,
    SignedDecimal.signedDecimal memory _orderSize,
    Decimal.decimal memory _collateral,
    Decimal.decimal memory _leverage,
    Decimal.decimal memory _slippage,
    bool _reduceOnly,
    uint _expiry

This function allows users to modify their trailing orders.

  • _newStop and _newLimit are functionally similar to the trail and gap parameters discussed above.

  • If the order is percentage, this function will expect percentage inputs.

Please note: It is not possible to change from a trailing order that uses absolute values to one that uses percentages.


function deleteOrder(
    uint order_id

This function allows users to delete their own orders


function execute(uint order_id)

This function is used by keepers/users to execute orders once their conditions have been achieved


function pokeContract(
    uint order_id,
    uint _reserveIndex

This function is used to update the trigger prices for the trailing orders.

  • _reserveIndex is used by the contract to verify previous prices of assets in order to update trailing prices. The ClearingHouse contract keeps a store of previous prices from ReserveSnapshotted. These prices can be queries using getPriceAtSnapshot()

Last updated